Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Datetime - Regional Settings


I am using an ODBC connection with Visual Interdev 6.0 to connect to a SQL datbase and display SQL tables on a website. I am having difficulty displaying the datetime in the correct format.

It appears that the datetime is being displayed in a format that is independent of the REGIONAL settings on either the client or the server! If I change the regional settings on either machine, the datetime is still displayed in the same format.

Any ideas as to how to solve this much appreciated!::I am using an ODBC connection with Visual Interdev 6.0 to connect to a SQL datbase and
::display SQL tables on a website

These problems could be rlated to our understanding of the stuff you are using. Basically, you seem, in addition, not to be aware of the difference between ASP and ASP.NET.

ASP.NET is the successor of ASP - and has nothing in common, codewise and usage wise.

THESE forums HERE are talking about ASP.NET.

I suggest you take your ASP question to - into the ASP groups there.

Getting a sensible answer ehere would be luck - I personally have stoopped working with ASP and Interdev yeawars ago ahd hardly remember anything from these hard times.|||Pass the date pre-formatted as a string to the front-end.

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