Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daylight Savings Time error SQL SERVER 2000

Hi all.

After DST change (US/Canada), when I run any of my reports, I get this error:

"An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more
details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name:
date "

Does anyone have or heard of a solution?

Thank you!

What is your date format, MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY?|||

Try installing SQL Server 2005 (and restore the databases on it) and run the reports.



I cannot give up using SQL Server 2000 just because of this issue


I do not think you need to give up on SQL 2000 for this.

Can you share the script where you pass in the parameters?

|||<Value>=Globals!ReportName &amp;" between " &amp; Parameters!startdate.Value &amp; " &amp; " &amp; Parameters!enddate.Value</Value>
<ReportParameter Name="startdate">
<Value>=CDate(cstr(year(Now())) + "/" + "01" + "/" + "01" + " 00:00:01")</Value>
<Prompt>Start Date-Time (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM or PM)</Prompt>
<ReportParameter Name="enddate">
<Value>=CDate(cstr(year(Now())) + "/" + cstr(month(now())) + "/" + cstr(day(now())) + " 23:59:59")</Value>
<Prompt>End Date-Time (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM or PM)</Prompt>
<ReportParameter Name="Team">
<Prompt>Enter a Team with % as a wildcard character i.e. %Cust%</Prompt>

I do not see any problems in the script.

Please take a look at the server log and here's something for reference. If possible, please post what you can find from the log. HTH.



Problem was resolved after power outage ;) and server restart.

|||Reboot is always the "best" solution for all MS issues.

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